Helping Runners Get The Perfect Body


Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing & body sculpting experts

Running is a great way to reduce body fat and keep fit but sometimes stubborn areas of fat wont budge and LA LIPO can target these areas to maximise your running potential and enhance body shape and reduce cellulite.

If you love running shape those legs with LA Lipo


Running is one of the most popular fitness activities at the moment.

This is due to the fact that it is free and that the weather is becoming brighter.

Running can help energise your body and spirit, is good for your cardiac health, as well as being great for your overall mental health.

Do you cover up when you go outdoors for your run?

Well, this needn’t be the way. LA Lipo can help you target those flabby thighs and wobbly upper arms, so that you are able to run with confidence.

LA Lipo offers a professional Cryolipolysis fat freezing service Membury to every individual, at its many UK clinics.

There is also the option for you to have treatment in your own home.

But what is Cryolipolysis fat freezing?


Well, as the name suggests Cryolipolysis refers to the process of freezing the fat cells so that the body can naturally absorb them.

This also helps to tone your muscles.

The entire process is painless and non-invasive, as there is no need for injections.

The best news though is that a treatment session only lasts around thirty minutes, and those thighs or upper arms can be targeted specifically.

Over several sessions you will see a notable reduction in the amount of excess fat in these areas.

So, if you are self conscious when you go out for your run, be proactive and give LA Lipo Membury a call today.

We can help you to target those flabby areas that you wish to be toned and fat free.

Be confident when out running and wear those shorts!

How EMSCULPT Body Sculpting Can Improve Your RunningMembury


EMSCULPT body sculpting technology is not only beneficial for athletes looking to enhance their performance, but also for runners who have suffered from injuries.

This innovative treatment utilizes high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to stimulate muscle contractions at a level that cannot be achieved through traditional exercises.

For running  – runners recovering from an injury, EMSCULPT can target specific muscle groups to aid in rehabilitation and promote faster healing.

The powerful muscle contractions triggered by the HIFEM energy can help strengthen weak muscles and improve overall muscle function.

This not only speeds up the recovery process but also helps prevent future injuries.

In addition to aiding in injury recovery, EMSCULPT is also an effective tool for increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat in runners.

By targeting specific areas of the body, such as the abdominal muscles or glutes, EMSCULPT can help runners achieve a more toned and sculpted physique.

This is especially beneficial for those who may have plateaued with their regular training routine and are looking for a way to take their performance to the next level.

Moreover, as running requires a lot of endurance and stamina, it is essential for runners to maintain a healthy body composition.

Excess fat can weigh down on joints and hinder performance, while a higher muscle mass can improve strength and power output.

With EMSCULPT’s ability to increase muscle mass while simultaneously reducing fat in targeted areas, runners can see significant improvements in their overall body composition.

EMSCULPT body sculpting technology has proven to be an excellent solution for runners recovering from injury or looking to enhance their athletic performance.

By utilizing HIFEM energy to stimulate powerful muscle contractions, this non-invasive treatment offers a safe and effective way for runners to recover from injuries, increase muscle mass, and decrease fat – ultimately helping them reach their full potential on the track or trail.

Customer Reviews

Fat Freezing increased my running capability so much I am hitting personal bests thank you!
Emsculpt helped me so much to get better after my injury and I was so relieved to be back running again!
LA Lipo Membury gave me a brilliant deal and amazing service so overall happy.